Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Hi everyone I would just like to say a huge welcome to my blog
hope you will all enjoy our photos & share our journey with us.

About Little Apples Photography

Here at Little Apples Photography, we aim to capture the moment and create beautiful keepsakes.
We work on location or at your own home with natural light, this enables the childrens personality to shine through in the comfort of their own home away from a formal studio enviroment.

We have 3 set packages, but aswell as this we offer extra prints if wanted, canvas prints up to 20x30 aswell as wallet size prints.

All options available, maternity, babies, children, families.

We also offer modeling portfolio's. (fashion, Glamour etc)

If you would like any info feel free to contact me :) x

Location and hours of business

We are based in Redcar, North East UK.
Our business hours are currently :
Mon-Fri: between 9am and 11am
Saturdays: Between 10am and 4pm
Sundays: Between 1pm and 5pm


All images on this Blog and our facebook page are a copyright of Little Apples Photography and are NOT to be copied, printed, saved, shared or duplicated in any way without written permission from myself, according to copyright law!

Contact us

Feel free to email us at littleapplesphotography@hotmail.co.uk

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